This new smudge kit is geared towards those who wish to create a peaceful (Zen) space in which to meditate and/or practice Yoga.
The Juniper & Cedar incense smudge sticks have amazing properties and each one is made to order or you! Each smudge stick is AT LEAST 6 inches.
In Ancient Egypt, Cedar incense provided the embodiment of life and an aromatic manifestation of the gods. The Pharaohs cultivated incense trees and imported expensive resins to satisfy the needs of Egypt’s prolific temples.
Juniper revives mind and ushers in strength of spirit that blocks negative energy from entering. Used in purification ceremonies, burning Juniper washes away doubt, hesitation, hostility and judgement. Waft the fragrance of burning Juniper throughout the home to cleanse and protect against negativity.
The large Turquoise Howlite Buddha Head Charm/Amulet is a symbol of peace, Zen, blessings.
With this kit is a Cat’s Eye Selenite 8mm stone beads stretchy bracelet which is approximately 7.5 inches and stretches. Each bracelet is made to order at our Sanctuary.
Cat’s Eye Selenite is a protective stone and shields a person or space from outside influences.
It calms and soothes, bringing a deep sense of tranquility. It acts to stimulate intuition and to enhance awareness.
The Zen Yoga kit comes in a lovely organza bag.
Each kit is unique and has some variations. The stones are all blessed in the “Bast House” temple by Ankh-sen-Aset, priestess and Reiki master (Mistress), see picture. Bast (also known as Bastet) is the ancient Egyptian Goddess of protection and cats. Re, our Mau Cat, is meditating in the Bast House, with happy cat thoughts.