Tourmalinated Quartz Crystal Chip Stretchy Bracelet & SELENITE, Magic Reiki


It has the healing properties of two gemstones: Quartz Crystal and Black Tourmaline. The black tourmaline also works to reconnect you to the Earth with its grounding properties. Here is agenuine Rutilated and Black Tourmalinated Quartz crystal stretchy bracelet.

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Here is a genuine Rutilated and Black Tourmalinated Quartz crystal stretchy bracelet. It is approximately 7 inches and stretches to 8 inches or so. This crystal bracelet was made at the Iseum Sanctuary and comes with a Selenite Wand!
Black Tourmalinated Quartz has been called “the Remover of Obstacles.” It has the healing properties of two gemstones: Quartz Crystal and Black Tourmaline. The melding of these two minerals creates a powerful healing energy that works together to restore harmony and tranquility. Clear quartz helps to elevate your consciousness and bring clarity into your life. The black tourmaline also works to reconnect you to the Earth with its grounding properties. Bringing these healing powers together, black tourmalinated quartz is AWESOME when it comes to cleansing and purifying energy fields.

Selenite is a protective stone and shields a person or space from outside influences.
It calms and soothes, bringing a deep sense of tranquility. Meditating with Selenite aids in access to past and future lives. Selenite brings mental clarity, clearing confusion and revealing the bigger picture behind any problem. Selenite can also be used to strengthen the memory.
Both the bracelet and this Wand have been blessed in the “Bast House” temple by Ankh-sen-Aset, priestess and Reiki Mistress, see picture. Bast (also known as Bastet) is the ancient Egyptian Goddess of protection and cats. Re, our Mau Cat, is meditating in the Bast House, with happy cat thoughts.

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Iseum Sanctuary

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