
Three Stone Chip Bracelets: Tourmalinated Quartz, Aventurine & Red Jasper Chakra

Original price was: $38.99.Current price is: $34.00.

It has the healing properties of two gemstones: Quartz Crystal and Black Tourmaline. The black tourmaline also works to reconnect you to the Earth with its grounding properties. Tourmalinated Quartz.

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Here are Three stone chip stretchy bracelets:
Tourmalinated Quartz
AventurineRed Jasper Chakra

Each are approximately 7 inches and stretches to 7.5 inches or so. These bracelets are made to order at the Iseum Sanctuary by one of our priestesses.
Black Tourmalinated Quartz has been called “the Remover of Obstacles.” It has the healing properties of two gemstones: Quartz Crystal and Black Tourmaline. The melding of these two minerals creates a powerful healing energy that works together to restore harmony and tranquility. Clear quartz helps to elevate your consciousness and bring clarity into your life. The black tourmaline also works to reconnect you to the Earth with its grounding properties. Bringing these healing powers together, black tourmalinated quartz is AWESOME when it comes to cleansing and purifying energy fields.

Green Aventurine is known as the “Stone of Opportunity” and thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth. Its winning energy makes it a great ally for boosting one’s chances in any situation – a first date, tax audit, even landing a promotion. It enhances one’s creativity and motivation, and encourages perseverance in maneuvering life’s obstacles.Red Jasper is known as “the Stone of Endurance,” a gentle, but vital, stimulator of Life Force, bringing physical strength and energy, stamina, focus and determination. Its steady energy calms the emotional body, creating a lasting, stable energy for improving health or overcoming illness, setting goals and following through to completion, facing unpleasant tasks and having the courage to rectify wrongs.
The seven chakra stones are as follows:
Root chakra: This is the first and lowest chakra, believed to govern basic survival instincts. The root chakra is represented by the color red. (Red Agate)
Sacral chakra: The second chakra is located level to the naval and governs creative and emotional energies. It is represented by the color orange. (Orange Jade/Agate)
Solar plexus chakra: The third chakra is located at about the same level as the bottom of the sternum and thought to govern energy and activity levels. It is represented by the color yellow. (Yellow Jade)
Heart chakra: The fourth chakra, located at heart level, is said to govern love and relationships. It is represented by the color green, but can progress to rose for those who learn to love unconditionally. (Green Aventurine)
Throat chakra: This fifth chakra governs the ability to communicate and take action. It is represented by the color blue.(Blue Agate)
Brow or Third Eye chakra: Chakra number six governs spirituality, intuition and thoughts. It is represented by a deep purple color. (Purple Agate)
Crown chakra: This seventh and final chakra governs understanding and wisdom. It is represented by either violet or white. (Selenite)
These bracelets have been blessed in the “Bast House” temple by Ankh-sen-Aset, priestess and Reiki master. Bast (also known as Bastet) is the ancient Egyptian Goddess of protection and cats. Re, our Mau Cat, is meditating in the Bast House, with happy cat thoughts.

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Iseum Sanctuary


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