Iseum Sanctuary

The Iseum Sanctuary honors the Goddess Isis (known as Aset in Egyptian), who equates with Mother Earth, and has been worshiped longer than any other deity known on the planet. Isis/Aset has 10,000 names and incarnations in other religions and practices all over the world.

In honoring Isis/Aset we honor the Earth; recognizing the threats to our Mother, given the amount of pollution, destruction of endangered species and violence between countries and each other. We seek to establish harmony, caring, and love among all people by demonstrating the way to a more feminine perspective.

The Iseum provides sanctuary, spirituality, safety and harmony. We shelter and care for animals, flora, fauna, and people. Our Sanctuary headquarters is located in North Quabbin, Massachusetts. We have a vision create very affordable shared housing (we call it the Bancroft Home), in lovingly created and creative homes, for seniors, veterans and those in need. Please help us manifest this vision!

The specific purpose of the Sanctuary is to serve as a sanctified space to honor the Goddess Aset and all forms of life by establishing harmony, caring, love and balance along a path to a feminine perspective. We honor the Mother Goddess by serving as a refuge of rescue for animals, trees, flowers and people in need.

We have what might be called a catma, afeline type of freedom and independence in thought stemming from the ancient wisdom of Egypt and the sacred Mau.

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Bastet at Sacred Burial Ground
The Sacred Derp

We are affiliated with the Fellowship of Isis (FOI). The FOI was established by Lady Olivia Robertson and her brother at Clonegal Castle, Enniscorthy, Ireland, and has tens of thousands of members in over 80 countries. Our Sanctuaries are part of the Fellowship of Isis Circle.

Those who are Priestesses, Priests, and Initiates within the Iseum Sanctuary, pledge to honor all life, and commit to help preserve and protect all nature, our Mother Earth and her people’s as well as bringing healing light and wisdom to all.

The Iseum Sanctuary a 501(c)3 charity (EIN 82-2902576)